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«Η Κατάλληλη Ώρα για Επενδύσεις στην Ελλάδα»
Το 2nd Corporate Governance Summit διοργανώνεται από την ethosEVENTS και την Georgeson και θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020 μέσα από τη LiveOn, την πλατφόρμα διοργάνωσης ψηφιακών συνεδρίων και εκθέσεων της ethosBUSINESS, δίνοντας έτσι την ευκαιρία στους συμμετέχοντες από την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό να παρακολουθήσουν τις εργασίες του συνεδρίου με ασφάλεια, από τον υπολογιστή, το τάμπλετ ή το κινητό τους.
Η θεματολογία
Το 2nd Corporate Governance Summit έχει ως στόχο να αναδείξει τη μεγάλη αξία της εταιρικής διακυβέρνησης για τις ελληνικές εταιρείες και θα επικεντρωθεί στις ακόλουθες θεματικές ενότητες:
- Επενδύσεις εστιασμένες σε παράγοντες ESG: η ολοένα αυξανόμενη σημασία μη-οικονομικών παραμέτρων
- Ενσωμάτωση παραγόντων ESG στην εταιρική στρατηγική
Adonis – Spyridon Georgiadis
Minister of Development and Investment
Pinelopi Kassani
Governance Risk & Compliance Partner, Moore Stephens Chartered Accountants
Kiara Konti
Director, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, EY Greece
Lia Vitzilaiou
Manager – Law Platis - Anastassiadis & Associates Law Partnership, ΕΥ Law
Πέμπτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020
- 10:20
Welcome Address
Konstantinos Ouzounis, CEO ethosGROUP
- 10:25
Welcome Address
Stefano Marini, CEO of Latin America and Emerging Markets and Senior Advisor for Southern Europe Georgeson
- 10:40
Opening Remark
Adonis – Spyridon Georgiadis, Minister of Development and Investment
- 10:55
Institutional Greeting
Dr Vassiliki Lazarakou, Chair Hellenic Capital Market Commission
- 11:05
Institutional Greeting
Charikleia Apalagaki, Secretary General Hellenic Bank Association
- 11:15
Institutional Greeting
Alexandros Chatzopoulos, Director General SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises
- 11:25
- 11:35
Speech: ESG in Corporate Governance and public enterprises (SOEs)
Christina Koliatsi, Chief Legal Counsel, Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations SA (HCAP)
- 11:45
Speech: ESG - Centric Investing: The rising significance of non-financial metrics
Dr Angelika Gouskou, Member, Hellenic Corporate Governance Council (HCGC), Co-Founder, Corporate Governace Hub & Managing Partner, Selekos-Gouskou & Co. Law Offices
- 12:35
PANEL I: _ESG - Centric Investing: The rising significance of non-financial metrics
Alberto D’Aroma, Head of Corporate Governance Italy/ Other - Georgeson
Argiris Economou, General Manager on Legal Affairs & Corporate Governance, Public Power Corporation
Patrick Fiorani, Research and Engagement Specialist Glass Lewis
Michael Herskovich, Head of Corporate Governance, BNP Paribas Asset Management
Nezhla Mehmed, Corporate Governance Analyst, Assistant Vice President, DWS Investment GmbH
- 12:55
- 13:05
Speech: Is ESG a game changer in bank financing? Poseidon Principles are a prime example of how ESG is reshaping bank lending in the maritime industry.
Pinelopi Kassani, Governance Risk & Compliance Partner, Moore Stephens Chartered Accountants
- 13:15
Speech: How will ESG performance shape your future?
Kiara Konti, Director, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, EY Greece
- 14:05
PANEL II: _Integrating ESG factors in corporate strategy
Pantelis Lamprou, Co-Founder & CEO, P&I | Business Management Consulting -
Thibaut Barsacq, Vice President - Head of Southern European Research, Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)
Maria Larsson Ortino, Global ESG Manager, Legal & General Investment Management, (LGIM)
Lia Vitzilaiou, Manager – Law Platis - Anastassiadis & Associates Law Partnership, ΕΥ Law
- 14:10
Conclusions – End of the Conference
PPC is the leading Greek electric utility, with activities ranging across electricity generation, distribution network operation and supply of electricity to end consumers. It has a total net generation capacity of 11.1 GW in Greece, including thermal, hydro and RES power plants in the mainland and in the islands. It is also the owner of the electricity distribution network with a Regulated Asset Base of c. € 3 bln, which is being operated by its subsidiary HEDNO S.A. It is the largest electricity supplier, servicing approx. 6.3 million customers across the country. Going forward, PPC’s strategic priority is the decarbonization of its business through accelerated lignite decommissioning and boosting Renewables investments, claiming a leading role in new Renewables development. In addition, PPC targets at the digitalization across all business segments. PPC was founded in 1950 and is listed on the Athens Stock Exchange since 2001. In 2019, PPC Group total revenues amounted to € 4.9 bln and total assets to € 13.6 bln, having approximately 15,100 employees.
Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations (HCAP)
The Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A. (HCAP), as an administrator of an important portfolio, exploits the national wealth and increases its public value, contributing to the prosperity and economic development of the country.
The mission of HCAP is to safeguard and maximize the value of public assets, to improve the profitability of its subsidiaries, and to enhance revenue and investments, contributing to the consolidation of macroeconomic and social stability and economic development. In this context HCAP pursuit tο:
- Cultivate the reputation of an organization that applies high standards of transparency, accountability and corporate practices.
- Engrave and implement long-term growth strategies, exploiting the comparative advantages of its subsidiaries, aiming the continuous improvement of the services offered to the Greek citizens and the public interest.
- Through the investment policy to contribute resources for the realization of investments that contribute to the growth of the Greek economy.
- Contribute to the impairment of the financial obligations of the Hellenic Republic.
- Establish relations of cooperation and trust with all interested parties, both from its external and its internal environment, including the citizens.
HCAP was established during a period where primary objective of the financial policy was the achievement and assurance of financial stability. The establishment of HCAP creates for the very first time in Greece a stable and unified institutional structure, acting with professionalism, independence and a single framework of rules, and which will have the mission to promote best practices at many levels.
The structure and philosophy of HCAP is compatible with international standards for the organization and management of public assets.
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, strategy, transaction and consulting services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over.
EY has been operating in Greece since 1926. EY Greece has offices in Athens and Thessaloniki, is part of EMEIA (Europe, Middle East, India, Africa) and one of the 31 countries that comprise the CESA (Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe & Central Asia) region; the largest and most culturally diverse region of EY.
ELLAKTOR Group is the largest infrastructure group in Greece and one of the leading in Southeastern Europe, with an international presence and a diversified portfolio of activities, focusing on construction, concessions, environment, renewable energy and real estate development. With operations in 29 countries and nearly 6,000 employees, ELLAKTOR Group generates a turnover of €1.3 billion (2019).
Combining 70 years of expertise in the most complex and demanding projects with the latest technologies, ELLAKTOR Group breathes life into projects that accelerate growth and improve the quality of life in communities across the world.
21 years after the triple merger of Elliniki Technodomiki, AKTOR and TEV that created ELLAKTOR, the Group is redefined by setting modern corporate governance as a cornerstone and by giving priority to enhancing Group operations, to reorganizing capital structure and to further capitalizing on synergies, in order to provide increased added value to its shareholders, its employees and the Greek economy.
Moore Greece
Moore Greece, an independent member of Moore Global, is an accounting and consulting firm specialising in the shipping, media and hotel sectors. Our wide range of services covers audit and assurance, tax consulting, governance - risk and compliance, IT consulting, transaction and outsourcing for the family owned businesses and entrepreneurs we serve. With over 120 professionals, deep knowledge and award winning proprietary tools, we can help clients improve efficiency and maximise profitability. By being the first international accounting firm in Greece with over 55 years of presence in the local market, we remain one of the most important and trustworthy firms in our industry.
If you love good wine, italian food ,art and swing jazz music..This is your place!!! Το εστιατόριο Vinarte στη Γλυφάδα (Vino,Gastronomia, Arte, Musica), είναι ένας πολυχώρος στον οποίο βρίσκει κανείς το κρασί που του ταιριάζει απ' όλο τον κόσμο, ζεστή και κρύα κουζίνα με έντονες ιταλικές ρίζες, έκθεση έργων τέχνης που αλλάζει στο χρόνο και μοναδικών επίπλων, όμορφα αγκαλιασμένα από swing jazz νότες και ιταλική μουσική. Έναν πολυχώρο στον οποίο βρίσκει κανεις το κρασί που του ταιριάζει από όλο το κόσμο, ζεστή και κρύα κουζίνα με έντονες ιταλικές ρίζες, έκθεση έργων τέχνης που αλλάζει στο χρόνο και μοναδικών επίπλων, όμορφα αγκαλιασμένα από swing jazz νότες και ιταλική μουσική. Το Vinarte προσφέρει στους λάτρεις του οίνου, αλλά και σε όσους θέλουν να εντρυφήσουν στα μυστικά του καλού κρασιού, μία ολοκληρωμένη εμπειρία. Vinarte Wine Bar-Restaurant με άποψη, στίγμα και χαρακτήρα Μαραγκού 18, Γλυφάδα 16675, Αττική 6944.828.890
ethosEVENTS, member of ethosGROUP (ethosEVENTS – ethosMEDIA – ethosBUSINESS), focuses mainly on the organization of business conferences and awards ceremonies, but is also involved in various types of innovative activities.
ethosEVENTS begun its successful course in the sector of events’ organization with the objective to constitute one more option for ethosMEDIA‘s scope as well as its printed and electronic media.
Always anticipating the needs of the market, ethosEVENTS constantly expands the range of its products and is now the organizer of 20 different conferences and business awards annually, in key sectors such as the economy, insurance, pharmaceutical and health policies, exports, technology, hospitality, coffee sales and cafés etc. Apart from the organization of events for ethosMEDIA‘s printed and digital media, ethosEVENTS contributes its invaluable know-how and services to the organization of conferences for its various business partners.
ethosEVENTS‘s services are addressed to high-ranking company executives working in Greece or abroad, offering them numerous opportunities for professional networking as well as high-quality information and know-how, all of which are indispensable tools for the growth of their businesses and their own success. Our experienced and well-educated and trained personnel will ensure the excellent organization of any event; respect for our clients, innovation, rich content, networking opportunities are just a few of the key characteristics that make ethosEVENTS‘s services stand out.
Established in 1935, Georgeson is the world's original and foremost provider of strategic services to corporations and investors working to influence corporate strategy. We offer unsurpassed advice and representation for annual meetings, mergers and acquisitions, proxy contests and other extraordinary transactions. Our core proxy expertise is enhanced with and complemented by our strategic consulting services, including solicitation strategy, investor identification, corporate governance analysis, vote projections and insight into investor ownership and voting profiles. Our local presence and global footprint allow us to analyse and mitigate operational risk associated with various corporate actions worldwide. For more information, visit
The InNews Electronic Monitoring & Information Management Platform is the leading Management Information System (MIS) of Monitoring & Publicity Management. It is addressed to a wide range of users from several sectors (political, commercial and social life). Its total customer base comprises of 1,100 corporate clients ranging from small companies to large organizations both in the public and private sector. The information provided is based on a fully expandable database, which allows the collection of publications from all available Greek print media that are scanned and digitized. InNews holds the highest success rate in the effectiveness of the services provided thanks to its specialized & experienced technical team as well as to its advanced monitoring and analysis software.
Expert Translation and Interpretation Services
TECHNOGRAFIA LTD translates legal and financial documents, medical devices, technical manuals, consumer electronics, processes and procedures, software, hardware, apps and websites.
TECHNOGRAFIA LTD differentiates itself in that clients are able to work with expert linguists rather than file-handling account managers.
It’s a direct relationship that enables our team to learn in depth each client’s demands and needs. This is why TECHNOGRAFIA LTD is able to bring tremendous vertical industry expertise to the table. Customers have highly industry-specific requirements and face challenges unique to their market. And TECHNOGRAFIA LTD is always there as a partner every step of the way.
Come find out why global industry leaders trust us for their mission-critical and time-sensitive projects.
Tel.: 0030-2109355646 (Greece)
Tel.: 00357-25030743 (Cyprus)
Με την
Η ομάδα της ethosEVENTS

Minister of Development and Investment

Governance Risk & Compliance Partner, Moore Stephens Chartered Accountants

Director, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, EY Greece

Manager – Law Platis - Anastassiadis & Associates Law Partnership, ΕΥ Law
Πέμπτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020
10:15 - 10:20

10:20 - 10:25

10:25 - 10:40

10:40 - 10:55

10:55 - 11:05

11:05 - 11:15

11:05 - 11:25
11:25 - 11:35

11:35 - 11:45

11:45 - 12:35


12:35 - 12:55
12:55 - 13:05

13:05 - 13:15

13:15 - 14:05


14:05 - 14:10

PPC is the leading Greek electric utility, with activities ranging across electricity generation, distribution network operation and supply of electricity to end consumers. It has a total net generation capacity of 11.1 GW in Greece, including thermal, hydro and RES power plants in the mainland and in the islands. It is also the owner of the electricity distribution network with a Regulated Asset Base of c. € 3 bln, which is being operated by its subsidiary HEDNO S.A. It is the largest electricity supplier, servicing approx. 6.3 million customers across the country. Going forward, PPC’s strategic priority is the decarbonization of its business through accelerated lignite decommissioning and boosting Renewables investments, claiming a leading role in new Renewables development. In addition, PPC targets at the digitalization across all business segments. PPC was founded in 1950 and is listed on the Athens Stock Exchange since 2001. In 2019, PPC Group total revenues amounted to € 4.9 bln and total assets to € 13.6 bln, having approximately 15,100 employees.

The Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A. (HCAP), as an administrator of an important portfolio, exploits the national wealth and increases its public value, contributing to the prosperity and economic development of the country.
The mission of HCAP is to safeguard and maximize the value of public assets, to improve the profitability of its subsidiaries, and to enhance revenue and investments, contributing to the consolidation of macroeconomic and social stability and economic development. In this context HCAP pursuit tο:
- Cultivate the reputation of an organization that applies high standards of transparency, accountability and corporate practices.
- Engrave and implement long-term growth strategies, exploiting the comparative advantages of its subsidiaries, aiming the continuous improvement of the services offered to the Greek citizens and the public interest.
- Through the investment policy to contribute resources for the realization of investments that contribute to the growth of the Greek economy.
- Contribute to the impairment of the financial obligations of the Hellenic Republic.
- Establish relations of cooperation and trust with all interested parties, both from its external and its internal environment, including the citizens.
HCAP was established during a period where primary objective of the financial policy was the achievement and assurance of financial stability. The establishment of HCAP creates for the very first time in Greece a stable and unified institutional structure, acting with professionalism, independence and a single framework of rules, and which will have the mission to promote best practices at many levels.
The structure and philosophy of HCAP is compatible with international standards for the organization and management of public assets.

EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, strategy, transaction and consulting services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over.
EY has been operating in Greece since 1926. EY Greece has offices in Athens and Thessaloniki, is part of EMEIA (Europe, Middle East, India, Africa) and one of the 31 countries that comprise the CESA (Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe & Central Asia) region; the largest and most culturally diverse region of EY.

ELLAKTOR Group is the largest infrastructure group in Greece and one of the leading in Southeastern Europe, with an international presence and a diversified portfolio of activities, focusing on construction, concessions, environment, renewable energy and real estate development. With operations in 29 countries and nearly 6,000 employees, ELLAKTOR Group generates a turnover of €1.3 billion (2019).
Combining 70 years of expertise in the most complex and demanding projects with the latest technologies, ELLAKTOR Group breathes life into projects that accelerate growth and improve the quality of life in communities across the world.
21 years after the triple merger of Elliniki Technodomiki, AKTOR and TEV that created ELLAKTOR, the Group is redefined by setting modern corporate governance as a cornerstone and by giving priority to enhancing Group operations, to reorganizing capital structure and to further capitalizing on synergies, in order to provide increased added value to its shareholders, its employees and the Greek economy.

Moore Greece, an independent member of Moore Global, is an accounting and consulting firm specialising in the shipping, media and hotel sectors. Our wide range of services covers audit and assurance, tax consulting, governance - risk and compliance, IT consulting, transaction and outsourcing for the family owned businesses and entrepreneurs we serve. With over 120 professionals, deep knowledge and award winning proprietary tools, we can help clients improve efficiency and maximise profitability. By being the first international accounting firm in Greece with over 55 years of presence in the local market, we remain one of the most important and trustworthy firms in our industry.

If you love good wine, italian food ,art and swing jazz music..This is your place!!! Το εστιατόριο Vinarte στη Γλυφάδα (Vino,Gastronomia, Arte, Musica), είναι ένας πολυχώρος στον οποίο βρίσκει κανείς το κρασί που του ταιριάζει απ' όλο τον κόσμο, ζεστή και κρύα κουζίνα με έντονες ιταλικές ρίζες, έκθεση έργων τέχνης που αλλάζει στο χρόνο και μοναδικών επίπλων, όμορφα αγκαλιασμένα από swing jazz νότες και ιταλική μουσική. Έναν πολυχώρο στον οποίο βρίσκει κανεις το κρασί που του ταιριάζει από όλο το κόσμο, ζεστή και κρύα κουζίνα με έντονες ιταλικές ρίζες, έκθεση έργων τέχνης που αλλάζει στο χρόνο και μοναδικών επίπλων, όμορφα αγκαλιασμένα από swing jazz νότες και ιταλική μουσική. Το Vinarte προσφέρει στους λάτρεις του οίνου, αλλά και σε όσους θέλουν να εντρυφήσουν στα μυστικά του καλού κρασιού, μία ολοκληρωμένη εμπειρία. Vinarte Wine Bar-Restaurant με άποψη, στίγμα και χαρακτήρα Μαραγκού 18, Γλυφάδα 16675, Αττική 6944.828.890

ethosEVENTS, member of ethosGROUP (ethosEVENTS – ethosMEDIA – ethosBUSINESS), focuses mainly on the organization of business conferences and awards ceremonies, but is also involved in various types of innovative activities.
ethosEVENTS begun its successful course in the sector of events’ organization with the objective to constitute one more option for ethosMEDIA‘s scope as well as its printed and electronic media.
Always anticipating the needs of the market, ethosEVENTS constantly expands the range of its products and is now the organizer of 20 different conferences and business awards annually, in key sectors such as the economy, insurance, pharmaceutical and health policies, exports, technology, hospitality, coffee sales and cafés etc. Apart from the organization of events for ethosMEDIA‘s printed and digital media, ethosEVENTS contributes its invaluable know-how and services to the organization of conferences for its various business partners.
ethosEVENTS‘s services are addressed to high-ranking company executives working in Greece or abroad, offering them numerous opportunities for professional networking as well as high-quality information and know-how, all of which are indispensable tools for the growth of their businesses and their own success. Our experienced and well-educated and trained personnel will ensure the excellent organization of any event; respect for our clients, innovation, rich content, networking opportunities are just a few of the key characteristics that make ethosEVENTS‘s services stand out.

Established in 1935, Georgeson is the world's original and foremost provider of strategic services to corporations and investors working to influence corporate strategy. We offer unsurpassed advice and representation for annual meetings, mergers and acquisitions, proxy contests and other extraordinary transactions. Our core proxy expertise is enhanced with and complemented by our strategic consulting services, including solicitation strategy, investor identification, corporate governance analysis, vote projections and insight into investor ownership and voting profiles. Our local presence and global footprint allow us to analyse and mitigate operational risk associated with various corporate actions worldwide. For more information, visit

The InNews Electronic Monitoring & Information Management Platform is the leading Management Information System (MIS) of Monitoring & Publicity Management. It is addressed to a wide range of users from several sectors (political, commercial and social life). Its total customer base comprises of 1,100 corporate clients ranging from small companies to large organizations both in the public and private sector. The information provided is based on a fully expandable database, which allows the collection of publications from all available Greek print media that are scanned and digitized. InNews holds the highest success rate in the effectiveness of the services provided thanks to its specialized & experienced technical team as well as to its advanced monitoring and analysis software.

Expert Translation and Interpretation Services
TECHNOGRAFIA LTD translates legal and financial documents, medical devices, technical manuals, consumer electronics, processes and procedures, software, hardware, apps and websites.
TECHNOGRAFIA LTD differentiates itself in that clients are able to work with expert linguists rather than file-handling account managers.
It’s a direct relationship that enables our team to learn in depth each client’s demands and needs. This is why TECHNOGRAFIA LTD is able to bring tremendous vertical industry expertise to the table. Customers have highly industry-specific requirements and face challenges unique to their market. And TECHNOGRAFIA LTD is always there as a partner every step of the way.
Come find out why global industry leaders trust us for their mission-critical and time-sensitive projects.
Tel.: 0030-2109355646 (Greece)
Tel.: 00357-25030743 (Cyprus)
Στην LiveOn εκδοχή τους τα ethosEVENTS, εκτός από το μοναδικό περιεχόμενο τους, προσφέρουν μια νέα εμπλουτισμένη εμπειρία σε συνέδρους, ομιλητές και χορηγούς, μια εμπειρία που στηρίζεται και υποστηρίζεται σε κάθε φάση από την έμπειρη ομάδα της ethosEVENTS.
Κωνσταντίνος Ουζούνης, CEO, ethosGROUP
Τηλ: 210 998 4864
Βασίλης Παπαδόπουλος, Key Account Manager
Τηλ.: 210 9984904
Μαριάνα Βαζαίου, Events Programme Manager
Τηλ: 210 998 4932
Marketing & Επικοινωνία
Αλεξάνδρα Παπασπηλιωτοπούλου, PR & Marketing Communications Manager
Τηλ: 210 998 4917
Συντονισμός Εκδήλωσης & Ατομικές Συμμετοχές
Κωνσταντίνος Σαλβαρλής, Events Director
Τηλ: 210 9984909
Θεσσαλίας 29, 17456, Άλιμος
Tηλ: 210 998 4950
Δήλωση συμμετοχής
Για να παρακολουθήσετε και να συμμετάσχετε στις εργασίες του 2nd Greek Corporate Governance Summit παρακαλούμε συμπληρώστε τα στοιχεία σας στην παρακάτω φόρμα δήλωσης συμμετοχής.
Μετά την επεξεργασία της δήλωσης σας, θα λάβετε πληροφορίες για τη διαδικασία εγγραφής και συμμετοχής σας. Σημειώστε πως για σχετικές ερωτήσεις μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε με τον κ. Κωνσταντίνο Σαλβαρλή στο e-mail ή στο τηλέφωνο 2109984909.
Με εκτίμηση
H ομάδα της ethosEVENTS